Call for proposals

Requirements for presenters

Presenters must be members of the Japan Society of English Language Education Chubu Chapter. All presentations must be of original research that has not been previously presented or published. Poster presenters must also be Chubu Chapter society members. Non-members wishing to present must complete a membership application and pay the necessary fees before the end of May 2013. Late payment of membership fees is not allowed according to association rules. Admission procedures are available on the National Association website: (Japanese).


Submitting a proposal

Presentation submissions will be open for short paper and poster presentations from April 1 through May 19 via an online application form available from this site. English abstracts are expected to be 350 words or less.


Additional information for presenters

Please proofread your abstract carefully; abstracts will be published as they are submitted in the conference handbook. No revisions will be possible.

If you have special requests for presentation times, please make these at the time of your application.

A Proceedings of the convention will be prepared. Details of contribution requirements will be shared with presenters at the conference.



Top page

Conference schedule

Presentation information

Call for proposals

RegistrationLunch InformationFees

Letter of invitation


English / 日本語