37th Annual Conference of the Chubu English Language Education Society in Mie 
Home >> Conference Information                    June 23rd (Sat.) & 24th (Sun.), 2007
The Chubu English Language Education Society

・ Registration

・ Guidance for Presentation

・ schedule

・ details
・ To Contact Us
・ How to Access
・ Map to the Site
・ Map inside the Site
・ List of Presentation 
・ Abstracts Day 1
・ Abstracts Day 2
・Mie Prefecture
Mie University

Host:     Chubu English Language Education Society
Supporters: Mie Prefectural Board of Education
        Tsu Municipal Board of Education
        Mie English Language Research Association
        Mie Senior High School English Teaching Association

New Information

Words of Gratitude

We would like to show our gratitude to all the participants at the conference again.
Here is some basic information on our conference.

(1)We had 78 papers ( 2 of them were cancelled. )
(2)101 presentations were made by 141 presenters.
(3)The number of the participants was 270.
(4)The number of the people who were involved in the conference was 350, including student assistants.
(5)220 people participated in the symposium.
(6)115 people enjoyed the conference dinnar.
(7)15 companies exhibited their products.
(8)50 people used the direct bus service to Tsu Station.

Thank you for your Participation( June 24th )
Thank you for coming all the way to Mie Univ. We are so happy that we had many people at the conference. We hope all of you found something valuable for teaching tomorrow. We look forward to meeting you again at Nagano Conference next year.

Use Public Transportations
We don't have enough parking lots around the site. Please use public transportations.

Name Tag
Bring the name tag from last year's meeting, if you still have it. Peel off the small read sticker beforehand.

Notice For Payment

To the participants who have registered, and have made reservations for the conference dinner, hotels, bus service, or are planning to do so by June 15th, Friday, please, make sure to pay by June 18th, Monday.
Then, print out the receipt ( titled ご請求書 ) from the registration website and show it to us at the reception desk on the day of the conference when you check in. We need it to know you have finished the payment. In order to print out ご請求書(the receipt), click お支払い (payment) and then click #2 button on the following page to go to the page of 請求書の表示( statement of receipt ), then print out that page.

Notice for Handouts
To the presenters who are going to give handouts, please make the number of copies as follows.

Individual Papers - 50 copies

English Education Research Method Seminar - 50 copies

Panel Discussion & Research Project - 80 copies

Symposium - 300 copies

We don’t have any facilities to duplicate handouts around our conference site. Make all copies beforehand, please. Thank you.

Notice for Presentation Devices
If you are going to use computers or other devices for your presentation, please go to こちらの情報 to get information.

June 7 Update : Abstracts Day 1 Day 2
June 1 Update : Conference Program
May 27 Update : Deadline for Hotel Reservation, etc Extended until June 15th
May 13 Update : Direct Bus Service to Tsu Station on the 2nd day

Conference Information

Information on this page is partly in Japanese. If you need any help in English, please contact the conference secretary-general:

Hiroko Arao   arao@edu.mie-u.ac.jp (059)231-9306

  1. Qualification: Members of the Chubu English Language Education Society, and those who are engaged in or interested in teaching English

  2. Conference registration

    The registration fee is \1,500 for all the participants. This includes the cost of the conference handbook..

    To those who need the reservations for hotels, lunch, and the conference dinner:

    Please make registration for the conference in advance , as well as reservations for hotels, lunch, and the conference dinner. The Deadline for the registration and reservations in advance is Friday, May 25th, 2007.Go to the website, http://apollon.nta.co.jp/37th-eigo, and follow the instructions there. If you need any more information for the registration and reservations, please contact the following in Japanese.
            日本旅行 津支店 津コンベンションデスク内
            〒514-0009 津市羽所町375 百五明治安田ビル3F
            担当:荻田   TEL:059-226-5571 FAX:059-228-7731
            E-mail: tsu_office@nta.co.jp
    If you need help in English, contact our conference secretary-general:
    Hiroko Arao   arao@edu.mie-u.ac.jp (059)231-9306

    To those who just need to register for the conference, without any need for hotels, lunch, and the reception

    You can participate in the conference without the registration in advance.Please register on the day of the conference at the registration desk. Please note that you cannot order prepared lunch on the days of conference. The University cafeteria will be open only on Saturday, 23rd, from 11:00 am to 13:30 pm.

  3. Application for Business Travel
    If you need to hand in an application for business travel to your office, please write to the following. Write the names of your institution and supervisor, your address, and your own name. Enclose a stamped return-mail envelope.
            〒514-8507 津市栗真町屋町1577 三重大学教育学部
            荒尾 浩子(あらおひろこ)
            TEL: (059)231-9306  E-mail:arao@edu.mie-u.ac.jp  

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Guidance for presentations

  1. To give a presentation, you need to be a member of the Chubu English Language Education Society. The rule applies to all the presenters including the ones in group presentations. If you are not, please register
    for membership. Although you can register on the day of the conference at the registration desk, we prefer that you do it in advance. You will find information for our membership at the following webpage.

  2. To give a presentation at the conference
    Application for a presentation is done online. Go to http://www.celes.info/submission/. You need to fill in the form with your presentation title, abstract ( 800 letters in Japanese or 350 words in Englsih), and other necessary information. The deadline is Monday, May 14th, 2007. We don't accept applications by mail. Please notice that we will decide the date, time, and order of your presentation.

  3. Others
    By giving a presentation at this conference, you will be qualified to submit your paper to the Chubu English Language Education Society Bulletin. The papers will be published after referee reading.

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( Day 1 ) June 23rd, Saturday 11:00 -
11:00 -
  -  12:10
12:10 -
  -  13:10
13:10 -
-  15:35
15:35 -
18:20 -
Registration begins
Opening Ceremony and General Meeting Break Papers 1 Break Syposium Conference Dinner
Cafeteria No. 1 of Mie Uni COOP
Music by
Bianca Rosa

Buses from Mie Univ. to Tsu Station
Meeting of conference house keeper and moderators 11:10 - Meeting of presenters and moderators 11:20 -
 English Education Research Method Seminar1
 (10:30 - 11:30)
( Day 2 ) June, 24th Sunday 9:00 -
9:00 -  9:20 9:25 -
12:15 -
13:15 -
15:20 -

BUS to Tsu Station
Registration Starts
Papers 2

Panel Discussion
Closing Ceremony Mie Univ. stop
 English Education Research Seminar2

Research Project

Meeting of conference house keeper and moderators 9:00 - Meeting of presenters and moderators 9:10 - Poster Session
(10:30 - 13:00)

This conference will end 30 minutes earlier than previous ones and two direct buses to Tsu Station (15:50 and 16:20) are available on Sunday ,June 24 for 100 yen so that you can stay until the end and still don't have to wait long at Tsu Station for Kintetsu Limited Express Trains bound for Nagoya or Osaka. You can reserve the direct bus service online, but if you only reserve the bus service, please do it at the registration desk during the conference. The reason is that just reserving the bus service for 100 yen online may result in paying additional bank transfer charges as well. Thank you.

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Schedule Details

All the presentations will be given in Japanese unless indicated otherwise.

The second day will end 30 minutes earlier the than the last year's conference so that participants can catch Kintetsu trains to Nagoya and Osaka. Shuttle buses to Tsu Station will start at 15:50 and 16:20( \100 ). Please make a reservation at http://apollon.nta.co.jp/37th-eigo before Friday, May 25. We sincerely hope that many of you will stay until the end of the closing ceremony.

The abstracts of (1) to (6) sessions are available at the following.

(1)Papers 30 minutes per person ( Presentation 20 minutes, Q&A 10 minutes )
The information on the papers will be given here later.
(2)English Education Research Method Seminar
Cordinator:Ken Urano(Hokkai Gakuen Univ.)
Presenters: Ken Urano(Hokkai Gakuen Univ.)
        Takeo Tanaka ( Yamanashi Univ. )
        Hideki Sakai ( Shinshu Univ. )
        Katsuhisa Honda ( Osaka Educational Univ. )
Theme:To Foster Autonomous Learners
Moderators: Kuniyuki Oshita ( Hukui Univ. )
        Mitsuaki Hayase ( Mie Univ. )
Presenters: Satoshi Takeuchi(Kansai Univ.)
        Taichi Kameyama(Gifu National College of Technology)
        Hiroshi Shirono(Kawagoe Senior High School, Mie )
(4)Panel Discussions

  1. Room 1 Theme : Conducting English Classes in English
Moderator: Katsumasa Shimada(Momoyama Gakuin Univ.)
Panellists: Susumu Rakuyama(Asahi Junior High School Toyama Prefecture )
        Katshuhiko Taniguchi(Ujiyamada Commercial Senior high school, Mie )
        Katsumasa Shimada(Momoyama Gakuin Univ.)  
  2. Room 2 Theme : Teaching with ALTs: 20 Years of Achievement and the Challenge ( This session is in English. )
Moderator: Hideki Sakai (Shinshu Univ.)
Presenters: Brian Shepherd ( ALT, Minobu Board of Education, Yamanashi Prefecture )
        Kazushi Shimoi ( Naganoken Iida Fuetsu High School )
        Koji Kawabuchi ( Nara Heijou-Higashi Junior High School )
(5)Poster Session
  Presenters will give presentations at their posters from 10:30 to13:00 on Sunday, June 24th. They will be ready for questions and discussion with the visitors.
(6)Research Projects

  1.A Comparative Study of English Textbooks in Asia : A comparison and analysis of textbooks under specified criteria
  Moderators: Haruo Erikawa( Wakayama Univ. )
         Genji Hatta (Sugiyama Jogakuin University)
  Presenters: Haruo Erikawa( Wakayama Univ. )
        Masao Aikawa ( Kyoto Foreign Language Junior College )
        Yukari Isobe ( Setsunan Univ. )
        Maiko Kimura ( Mukogawa Women's Univ. )
  2.Collaboration between Elementary Schools and Junior High Schools in English Education
  Moderator: Tadashi Noro(Aichi Gakuin Univ.)
  Presenters: Tomohiko Shirahata(Shizuoka Univ.)
         Keiko Hayashi(Hiroshima Jogakuin Univ.)
         Ryusuke Yamato(Kyoto Sangyo Univ.)
  3. A Theoretical and Practical Study of Vocabulary Learning: Learner English and Vocabulary Learning
  Moderator: Michio Funashiro(Shizuoka Univ.)
  Presenters: Shunsuke Tanemura(Numazu National College of Technology)
        Michiko Mochizuki(Kansai Univ.)
        Masahide Sakyu(Osaka Shin-Ai Jogakuin Junior College)
        Katsuhisa Honda(Osaka Educational Univ.)
        Takao Furuya(Yamanashi Univ.)
        Hiroyuki Kondo(Jin-Ai Univ.)

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Contact Us
  Secretary-General, 37th Annual Conference of the Chubu English Language Education Society in Mie
Hiroko Arao   arao@edu.mie-u.ac.jp (059)231-9306
Faculty of Education, Mie University (1577 Kurima-machiyamachi, Tsu City, Mie Prefecture 514-8507)

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Map to the Site
 (Click here for more information)
(We don't have enough parking lots around the site. Please use public transportations.)

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Map inside the Site

Mie University

Buildings to Be Used for the Conference

Registration, Rooms for Presentations, and Company Displays    

Rooms for Opening and Closing Ceremonies, and Seminors

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Copyright © 2007 The Chubu English Language Education Society. All rights reserved.